
We are dedicated to tackling the pressing social and environmental issues within the fashion industry. Firstly, by addressing the urgent environmental challenge of mass textile waste. In the UK alone, a staggering 350,000 tonnes of textile waste is generated each year and this number is on the rise. Our approach involves fashion redesign and upcycling, using sustainable practices to combat this issue. By reclaiming discarded materials and transforming them into unique and contemporary designs, we are able to divert waste from landfills, which would have rotted away and released harmful toxins, and also reduce carbon emissions within the industry.
Each redesign extends the lifespan of the garment, reducing our water, carbon, and waste footprint by 20-30% each.
To date, we have rescued over 300kg of denim/textiles (yay!), preventing approximately 12,900kg of CO2 emissions from being emitted. We continue to track our progress and strive for greater impact in our mission to make slow fashion the norm. Also, as a sustainably-centred brand, we also committed to full transparency with our customers and community about the ins and out of our supply chain and code of ethics.
All our deadstock materials are sourced from a local textile sorting factory called LMB Textiles in East London and/or donations from our lovely community.
These textiles are then sent over to be cleaned by wet-cleaning partner, Oxwash, who use renewable energy and toxic-free detergents. Check them out here.
Design & Making
Now on to the fun part! Our design and making process go hand-in-hand. Rosette, founder of Revival, leads on research and design whilst toiling and experimenting with materials and tweaking designs along the way. When the product design details are finalised, we send that over to our lovely team of female local makers (woman power!) based in and around London to craft small batches of our reworked designs.
We are currently looking for an eco-friendly, zero-emission distribution partner but for the mean time, all orders are posted via Royal Mail which currently deploys 4000 electric vehicles (EVs) and set to increase their use of EVs over the years, with the aim of becoming net zero by 2024.